• Chase Arbeiter
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  • The Secret to the Happy Life (Stop Playing Games You Don't Care About Winning)

The Secret to the Happy Life (Stop Playing Games You Don't Care About Winning)

Your happiness can't afford to play games you aren't interested in.

Welcome to the 28 new subscribers of the Happy Quiet Life! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and finding some time to think, enjoy, and make progress on your quest to build your Happy Quiet Life!

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Everything you've ever learned about competing in life is complete nonsense.

When I was growing up, I loved sports. Basketball, baseball, football, even soccer, I didn't care. I love them all. I loved the pursuit of getting better, the competition, and the game within the game.

I figured out early that not everybody in youth sports wants to be on the field or court. Whether it was an overreaching parent or they said 'yes' not to let someone down, it was clear they'd rather be somewhere else.

And while it appeared these kids weren't the best on the field, there was also more to the story.

Adulthood isn't much different. If you've spent any amount of time working in an office, you've noticed this same thing. It might even be you that appears not to be very good.

Just like children, adults get labels as well. These people are labeled lazy or entitled, or 'unmotivated.' Terms are all used to describe people who aren't living up to the accusor's standards.

For example, let's take Millenials and the labels given to them by other generations: lack of work ethic, zero drive, and laziness. Never once stopping to ask, "Perhaps, these Millenials don't buy into the same game I was sold my whole life?"

Working for money and titles, view retirement as a finish line, and make unnecessary sacrifices on your time, energy, and health for more dollars.

"School, politics, sports, and games train us to compete against others. True rewards—wealth, knowledge, love, fitness, and equanimity—come from ignoring others and improving ourselves."

— Naval Ravikant

Are you playing a game you care about?

Or are you putting too much effort, energy, and time into a game you don't care about?

The world is full of endless possibilities to succeed in life—on your terms—if you are willing to look for them, and you can do it your way if you are ready to work hard enough.

Your only path to your Happy Quiet Life is knowing what games you need to exit from.

Here's how you start.

If you want a happy quiet life, stop competing, and work more on being you.

Peter Thiel famously said, "Competition is for losers."

Hmm, tell that corporate America, the media, or the parents reliving through their kids.

Before Nike was a thriving shoe company and household brand, co-founder and builder Phil Knight told his soon-to-be wife why developing Nike into something more than a hobby was so important. Knight wanted, "To be me, full-time."

Knight was building a shoe company of his own and a vision that came naturally.

He trusted his instinct and natural inclinations to build a billion-dollar company that started in his parent's basement.

Google. Apple. Amazon. Microsoft. Dell. Disney.

Have you ever heard of any of these?

Not only is this the short list of the most significant side hustles turned billion-dollar companies of all time, but they were all created by founders seeking the "to be me, full-time" mentality.

The point isn't to start a company in your basement or garage with the expectancy of building a billion-dollar company.

The point is to 'be you.' Play games suited for you and your natural talents. Not what the world tells you, but what you know, deep down, is the game for you.

Many people who play games don't have much interest in winning, but they don't even know it yet.

If you want the title, luxury car, and the largest home in the neighborhood, go for it. But make damn sure that's the game you want to play. Otherwise, it will steal your lunch money, beat you up, and leave you feeling like a loser.

Play YOUR game...

Trust YOUR instincts...

Determine YOUR strategy...

And turn your back on the rest of it.

Play the games you want to win.

Life is hard enough.

Do you want to spend most of it playing games you aren't interested in winning? Are you arrogant to think you can compete in games you have very little interest in winning by just showing up?

I love monopoly. It's the greatest board game ever created. But you have zero chance of winning that game if you are short on time, aren't into it, or are distracted.

Life isn't much different.

So before you sit down to play, make sure this game is for you.

Seek games that challenge you. Choose games that provide energy, not that drain you. Play games that produce flow states, not games you are watching the clock all day.

Our work is a large part of our life and the games we play. It's our contribution to the world. And if you don't enjoy these games, you will be miserable. Work-life balance no longer exists.

To try and find one is like coloring with water paints. It will bleed over into your nights and weekends whether you want it to. So you better enjoy this game. Otherwise, it's going to drain you. And you will never win in that game because you don't have the energy to give it what it needs.

It's your life, and you should start YOU, INC. today.

"You do not want to compete, you want to be a market of one."

— Naval Ravikant

The world is changing right before our eyes. You have options. You don't need to settle.

Every day, all across the world, people are opening up their computers and building a world, a business, and a Happy Quiet Life by playing the games they feel called to, bringing meaning and satisfaction.

Worrying about competition, what others are doing, or how to get better at being something you aren't is the old way.

Fake-it-until-you-make-it and step-outside-your-comfort-zone are dead. The business of YOU is here, and it's available to you if you are willing to do the work, tap into your curiosity, and grow through your failures.

But you must be willing to turn your back on the games you don't want to play. Double down on the games you do want to play.

The pursuit of your Happy Quiet Life will force you to examine the games you play:

  • Am I playing the right one?

  • What's the cost of walking away?

  • Are the rewards of winning worth it?

  • What's the cost of playing the wrong game?

Life is a game.

Every day we are all trying to improve and grow our unique skills within this game.

And nobody can beat you at being you!

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Have a Happy Tuesday!