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  • Hack Your Happy Quiet Life With a Meaningful Routine

Hack Your Happy Quiet Life With a Meaningful Routine

Your routine becomes your life.

Welcome to the Tuesday edition of Happy Quiet Life! Hope everyone in the U.S. had a great 4th of July! Today's edition is about routine and the importance it plays in our life.

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Hack Your Happy Quiet Life With a Meaningful Routine

Your daily routine is more than just a series of tasks. It's your life.

Every morning retired Navy Seal Jock Willink wakes up at 4:30 am to start his day with a workout. He doesn't wake up, think about what he wants to do, and then do it. 

He does it.

"One of the best mental disciplines for people to implement is simply putting together a schedule or a task and actually executing it. Write the list or the schedule the night before, and then do what you said you would do. Life becomes much better when you do that."

— Jocko Willink

A fitting personal routine goes beyond performance. A proper daily routine also helps reduce stress and benefits your sleep. Two critical supporting dominoes in your quest for a Happy Quiet Life.

The Endless Barrage of Decisions

Most people start their day behind in the ongoing battle to get ahead of life and all the decisions that present themselves.

What will I wear?

What should I eat?

What should I work on today?

What email do I need to address?

The demands, interruptions, and countless decisions lead to impulsive activity, mental fatigue, and little progress. Before you know it, your day has passed you by without you making measurable progress towards your highest intentions.

It's why corporations move slow, people fail to turn their dreams into reality, and so few people experience satisfaction in their lives. 

Your routine matters. 

Your routine is your life.

"How we spend our days is...how we spend our lives."

— Annie Dillard

Events Don't Make Our Lives. Daily Actions Do

The highlights on our calendar don't form the soul of our lives.

We've all experienced memorable days in life that go well beyond the ordinary. Maybe it's your favorite band live on stage or screaming your face off for your football team. Or perhaps it's a day by the pool with your family, even away from the daily routine, filled with wonderful family moments that will last a lifetime. 

Your life must have these moments baked into it.

And when these days come, we should soak them up, savor them, and work like hell to find presence in them.

But these moments don't construct our lives. They produce memories for us to collect like cherished keepsakes, never to return. Take a picture. Make notes in your journal. But these brief moments are fleeting.

And that's ok because that's not what produces the good life, the Happy Quiet Life.

The daily routine: the intentions, the practices, the work, the tiny moments you are present with your family and friends.

That's your life.

The Happy Monotonous Man

The greatest thing you can do to elevate your routine is to do it consistently, even at the risk of boredom.

Fred Rogers, known as Mr. Rogers, had a daily routine that many would consider boring. He woke up at the same time, had the same morning routine, performed the same exercise, and followed the same schedule every day until bedtime.

And while that may seem boring to many, more often than not, when you study success, the daily monotonous consistency wins repeatedly.

We see it in superstar athletes, big-screen actors, CEOs, and just about everybody on the Forbes list. Routine. Consistency. Borderline boring.

Boring is good.

As the great writer, Paulo Coelho said, "If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal."

Build A Happy Routine

This is why we should emphasize ideal days in our life.

If you don't enjoy your daily routine... isn't that a problem? Your habits, intentions, and time spent create your days, patterns, and ultimately your life.

It's why choosing meaningful and satisfying work for our soul is critical over a career that 'pays the bills.' It's why we deflect hustle culture so we can invest in the time economy. And it's why we spend so much time thinking about what we actually want from our life, rather than just accepting what's thrown at our doorstep.

Our routine should have meaning. It should give us energy, not drain us.

Our daily intentions should boost our happiness and negate our stress. Our lives should be designed to grow each day, not merely survive the tasks of the day.

Prioritize your health. Fill your daily buckets of happiness. Keep your self-care battery charged. Laugh with those you love deeply.

Build a happy routine. Not to make life easier.

But one that produces a better life.


"Well-being is attained little by little, and nevertheless is no little thing itself." 

— Zeno

Life is a process, a daily effort.

Life is your routine.

But it doesn't need to be drudgery.

As the lyrics from that classic John Mellencamp song go,"

"Oh yeah, life goes on

long after the thrill of living is gone."

Your life may present less euphoric moments than when you were young.

But the proper routine brings out the most authentic joy and sets you up to live your best life possible.

Choose wisely in the things you do, your commitments, and the structure in which you design your day.

It's your life, and your happiness requires such care.


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Have a Happy Tuesday!